– Transverse Colon
– – Cancers transverse colon : Définition
Cancers of the transverse colon account for approximately 10% of colorectaux cancers. Their diagnosis is often late; they appear in a complicated form in 30 to 50% of the cases (occlusion, perforation, internal dent). The evolution of the symptoms is often insidious. The tumours of the colon tranverse right often bulky, are sometimes suppurated in the former abdominal wall or the rétropéritoine. They can also invade the bodies of vicinity and fistuliser. The tumours of the left transverse colon are often small occlusive cancers sténosant. The T4 forms account for 20 to 40% of the cases. The voluminal tomodensitometry is the most powerful examination to carry out the assessment of extension of these tumours of advanced stage. Because of their central localization in the abdomen and of the frequency of the evolved forms, the differential diagnoses of the tumours of the transverse colon are numerous. Cancers of the median transverse colon pose problems of ganglionic clearing out and re-establishment of continuity. The choice of the type of resection depends in particular on the anatomical conditions. The loco-regional repetitions are presented in the form of tumoral masses fixed at the retro peritoneum. The surgical series concerning the tumours of the transverse colon date from the years 70-80. The surgery was curative in less than 50% of the cases. Morbi-mortality was of approximately 20%. Total survival at 5 years was lower than 35%. The tumours of the transverse colon were bad forecast.
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